Jumat, 30 Maret 2012


my name is fitria. i'm women that born in jakarta,march 25 1993. my parent from jakarta and west java. i'm second child in three a children. i have a young sister and one brother. i will tell about how can i enter gunadarma university. when i was third grade senior high school,i follow a test in some universities,include one of university that receive scholarships program. actually i'm succed for that test but i more interesting to follow a snmptn program. i feel optimistic to gate a state university but the lastly i was unlucky about that. 
after that i try again hardly to follow a test in one of state university in jakarta although i failed again for enter it. while i trough that sad experience,ithink not to be a college student. but after that i thinking it spirit and the most important thing aware that study is everywhere,not only in state university. the lastly i think enter gunadarma university after that i through a procces,i choose an economic faculty.